Becoming a Member

Becoming a Member

Candidates for membership may present themselves in one of the following ways: by profession of faith and for baptism according to the policies of this church, by receipt of a letter of recommendation from another Baptist church, by statement of Christian experience, describing previous church membership, profession of faith and believer's baptism, by restoration (see bylaws for details). Before a membership vote, candidates for membership shall have completed the prospective member class (as led by pastoral staff) and fulfilled the requirements for Voting Membership as described in the Membership Designation Policy.

We make a big deal of baptism at Samaria. When someone comes forward to make known to the world what has already taken place in their heart and mind, we celebrate. We set aside time on Sunday Mornings to interview and vote on the candidate for baptism and membership. The Pastor or other church leader will address the candidates for baptism to discuss baptism and the implications of following Christ. Following the baptism will come the presentation of the baptismal certificate, a Bible from the church, and other necessities of church membership. Finally we all celebrate communion with our new brother/sister in Christ.